Helen Jones from Notes from Home; Ida Arentoft Pink Flowers

Ida Arentoft Sand Pattern / River and Rocks #2 / Pink
“If one cannot place a memory or sensation, organic elements provide sites for projection. Declaration of selfhood and geographic connections are subtle, emerging out of shadows, peeking through an artwork’s title, pulled from a gaze or a posture”
Kate Schneider from The Weight of Your Cool Embrace

Farihah Aliyah Shah from Along the Demerara; Kate Schneider from The Weight of Your Cool Embrace; Stacey Tyrell from Chattel Series
Helen Jones
Helen Jones from Notes from Home
“I think it’s good to have a pile of images that you may/may not use. They usually guide you towards something, or at least point you in the direction of what you don’t like!”
Gina Lundy from Fantastic New Community; Margaret Mitchell from In This Place

Stacey Tyrell from Chattel Series
Sarah Mangialardo Untitled
“I’ve started to think about the place where I live as a potential site of photographic investigation. It is a unique space that feels more like a community than a building with residents.”
Sarah Mangialardo Untitled
Sarah Mangialardo
Kate Schneider from The Weight of Your Cool Embrace
Kate Schneider from Riparian Dreams
Raquel Diniz Space of Possibilities
Farihah Aliyah Shah Untitled work in progress
“I would map projects and developments that have or are about to change the future of some public spaces: a building, a street, a park, a square”
For more information visit FPN Projects